The European beech, Fagus sylvatica, is a large deciduous tree that can reach 40 metres tall when fully grown. In gardens, beech is a popular plant for hedging and pleaching. In autumn, the glossy green leaves turn beautiful shades of yellow and orange. Like hornbeam, beech has marcescent leaves i.e. dead leaves that are held on the plant through winter, before being pushed off by newly emerging leaves in spring. Beech trees tend to be found growing on well-drained soils, particularly chalk and limestone soils. Fagus sylvatica ‘purpurea’ is a beautiful variant commonly known as copper beech, with deep purple-bronze foliage, making it a more dramatic alternative to the species. For best results, grow Fagus sylvatica purpurea in full sun or partial shade, in a well-drained soil.
Plant Key

Full Shade

Partial Shade

Full Sun


Suitable as Hedge
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